(But first, a note about RECRUITMENT! That's right ladies and gentlemen, TR is open for recruiting in a few select classes! Check out the note at the bottom of this update for more information!)
That's right everyone. Let me clue you in on one of life's little secrets if you didn't already know. Ham is amazing. Ham gives us things like bacon. Bacon is the only food you can wrap around other food to make it better and its universally acceptable. Wanna know what else, Ham wins raids. Its the prime motivating factor when it comes to dominating T3 raids. So there ya go all you up and coming guilds, we're letting out the secret... Offer up ham before you start, and you're sure to roll through T3.
If you can't make that out, thank Oloring and his horrible screenshot which was sent from his "cell phone" (which I actually believe to be one of those backpack style ones from the 80's). Its a shot of Mulleg offering the following, "I will personally send a whole ham to each person in raid if we win this next run" & following it with "NO LIES WERE TOLD IN THE PREVIOUS SENTENCE".
So lets start here, with what proves to be the raid that will make you hate that lazy person in your guild just a LITTLE bit more... Resplendent Temple. This smash-your-face-into-a-brick-wall raid treats you with such fun mechanics as required debuffs from NPC's who don't always decide to cast them, suicide jumping, stone humping, and you even get to pass around your prized pr0n collection with your friends! All this while balancing mob splits, hoping people port to the correct sides, more poop blobs that ae the hell outa you, and dealing with hard hitting but low hp adds! Did I mention a missed command in any of this resets the mob to full hp!? If you think figuring out a way to blind yourself with the laser from your optical mouse is more enjoyable, you'd be absolutely right... but you'd also be ham-less, and that my friend is something we are not! As you can see from above, Mulleg gave us an offer we couldn't refuse.
Before we went hog wild all over Resplendent Temple, there was Rubak Oseka, Time & Tides. High Priest Xalziks and his crew of High Priest buddies were apparently smuggling the largest pearl known to Norrath, and had to be dealt with. This is another one of those raids with a multitude of parts to figure out, as you have 6 main mobs to deal with, all with multiple abilities. Add in 2 more add types to deal with, a non-aggro add that respawns the main mobs, and a whirlwind that sucks in your whole raid and well, you get the picture! After dealing with horrible dodges, botched runs, failed click sequences, disappearing Xalziks, and just about every other way to lose this raid, we finally put on our big boy pants and smashed this raid with a near perfect run. Big ups to everyone who was there for our first win as it was an awesome thing to witness =)
Finally in T3, we had the King of the Beasts. Much like our friends over in RoI, I also immediately thought I was stepping into a scene from Avatar when I entered Beast's Domain. That said, I'm ok with the bright colors and blatant ripoff, and I'm also ok with the general cakewalk given to you by SoE in preparation for the surprise prison sex they launch on you in Rubak & RT. This is a nice general introduction to T3, and gives you a little bit more challenge than T1/T2 raids. We one rounded this sucker on the first attempt, and I'd expect most guilds will smash through this one with relative ease~
I've gotta say, as a person who's been raiding high end since kunark, its been awhile since winning a raid has gotten you that exciting feeling of accomplishment. Most raids the past few expansions have been quite cookie cutter or dps tank & spank style, so it was nice to see raids like RT & Rubak that actually took skill and attention to win. Now that T3 is cleared, we're just farming away again. Our Trapper Keeper 5000s will soon be powerful enough to unlock T4, but until then I'll be sitting back waiting on my spiral cut honeybaked ham... Get to work Mulleg.
RECRUITMENT!!!!! That's right ladies and gentlemen, TR is open for recruiting in a few select classes! If you're looking to join the top guild on Luclin, and one of the top serverwide guilds for the last NINE expansions, then you've found your home. We're currently looking for exceptional players in the Bard, Beastlord, Cleric, Druid, Rogue, Enchanter classes. We look for all potential apps to be level 95, 2500+ AA, high playtime, and have a willingness to learn and adapt. We currently raid from 7:30pm EST to around 12:00am EST on days as lockouts permit, however we'll be back to our normal Sat-Thurs schedule with Fridays as our off day as we soon unlock T4. For more information, please check out our application forum or contact Adetia or Ormus in game. Now is the time!
Well, as always we're a bit late with the frontpage update, but that's something that will hopefully change soon, as Im taking the job of assistant TR news reporter! My name's Iggy and I've been the resident SK here in TR for the last several years. Whether its tanking, kiting, dps'ing, or screaming at our tanks in chat, I do it all here! I'll try my best to keep our front page from getting dustier than Ormus's bootlocker in Afghanistan~
Now that we've got that settled, its time to dive into the new expansion! Veil of Alaris launched on the 15th and we wasted little time, dropping the starting raid in Argath on the first night! This raid puts you up against the largest golem known to Norrath. A few arrows to the face from some giant balistas, a couple of floating matchbox cars underneath his feet, and this golem slipped up and dropped his guard. He called in some reinforcements and giant turd mounds to AE us, but in the end he dropped quickly, left us 4 armor drops, and whole slew of loot.
So thats pretty much been it so far in VoA. We've been farming these raids and maxing out our Trapper Keeper 5000s until we reach T3... see ya then...
Attention Druids of Norrath!!! We do not frequently have druid openings, but right now we are looking for TWO druids to join our ranks. We're looking for druids who are eager to play, are available for our raiding schedule: 7:30pm - midnight EST, 6 days a week, no Fridays. If you have at least 2500AA, and love to play the game and raid... we want to hear from you. Send luclin.adetia a tell in game, or fill out an application here.
as you go into the world, know that we are proud. we are thankful for men like you. we will remember you while we are apart, and do all we can to ease the distance. know that you have our full support. know that we will undoubtedly miss you.
we are behind you, every step of the way; when you are lacing up your boots, and when you end the day and rest your head. where you go, we go too; in spirit and in heart, lifting you up in our prayers, in our thoughts.
know that we are waiting, with smiling faces and open arms, for you to return safely to us. just think of all the short jokes we'll be able to dream up in six months, and how you won't be able to help but smile as you groan when you hear them :)
we'll keep your little chair warm and the home fires burning.
wing your way across the world safe, brave, and strong!
In an unexpected move, Sony has quietly offered (I can't find any announcement anywhere) some free boosts via Legends of Norrath, greatly elevating their promise of a make good solution. Be sure to check out the LoN game for 8 free packs + a Loot Card! Most tankly folks are picking up this little guy... Idol of Talendor, which sits in your house looking very la-dee-da while offering 45 AC 150 HP trophy tribute. To my understanding, you can choose any loot item from the most recent expansion pack for LoN. Heavy melee dps classes may want to look at Dragon War Mask.
Kudos to SoE for establishing identity theft protection services for some customers outside the United States. Lets hope that this trend continues and you offer something similar to say, people in Canada! The service isn't ready yet, but more details will come. For those of you that have been hiding under a rock, this service comes on the heels of a 12 day outage following Sony's failure to protect their customer data, which hit several European countries the hardest, leaking not only their customer's identity information, but apparently their actual bank account numbers.
We had our first night back of raiding since the servers came up last night, and we cleared Sanctum in one night for the first time ever -- I'm sure we could have done this before, however we've always chosen to split the task into 2 evenings to give us more to do through the week. We decided this week to get it cleared since we're already behind lockout wise due to the outage. Now that the servers seem stable, we will, for a limited time, be accepting applications again to do a bit of roster rounding. We are currently looking for a few new faces to join in on the remaining lengthy farm of House of Thule. Eager to find a home with a guild that has a longstanding track record of excellence that has also stood the test of time? Township Rebellion Recruitment is officially open!!
We are currently looking for:
* 2 bard, * 1 cleric, * 1 enchanter, * 2 rogues, * 2 shaman
We have filled applicant openings in most other classes. However, we are always looking for exceptionally talented applicants in any class, so if you feel you have what it takes, we may consider you. In most cases it will be very likely that you will be asked to reapply when we have openings.
We look for all of our potential applicants to be:
* Level 90
* 1500+ AA
* Bonus points given towards those who have put in time developing their character through quests, improved augments, clickers, flags, and keys.
We currently raid from 7:30pm EST to ~midnight EST, 6 days a week with Fridays as our designated off day. If this does not mesh well with your lifestyle, then we are not the guild for you. We will be having additional days off during farm time, however when new content is available we fully intend to return to raiding 6 days a week -- if you cannot meet this expectation, we are not the right guild for you.
We will only even consider high playtime individuals with the flags, AA and gear to back it up. You aren't high playtime if you only have 100aa, so please don't waste our time. While flags and gear are negotiable for the right candidate, there is no substitute for playtime. As I always say, gear and AA can be fixed, but I can't hit the play button for you.
For more information, please check out our application forum.