We're working as hard as we can to get the servers up as soon as possible, but have no ETA at this time.
This update was posted at 11:29am, Tuesday May 3rd, 2011 on the Everquest Facebook page.
This is the latest update in the EQ Apocalypse. We are recommending that if you use your same username/password combination that you use for EQ on any other site that you change it as a precaution. Please also monitor your credit card/bank statement for any suspicious charges. I'll be posting a decision later this afternoon about preemptively cancelling raids, but waiting to see if there's any news from Sony this afternoon. As always, when the decision is made, will announce via here, the boards and the email announcements.
update: raids are cancelled for Tuedsay, May 3rd as the outage continues with no end in sight.
With just shy of two weeks into the new expansion, House of Thule, we've been quite busy with leveling and all the chores that a new expansion usually mean. We're still banging away at Convorteum, but in the meantime, we've also defeated two House of Thule events: Tick Tock last week, and Ritual of Terror last night! While the Tick Tock raid seems to have some broken components, the content generally seems in better shape then last expansion and also unlike previous expansions, some of the most glaring errors in group missions, etc, have been tended to with much more speed. Lets hope that trend continues.
Well, my "very soon update" ended up taking a little longer then expected... life just has been busy as always. While we actually got the Trial of Deconstruction kill later on that night the day of the merger, I yet again took a little extra time to announce it here! Since then we've been busy, putting Cunning Plan down as well.
Once again, our halfling director Ormus Spielberg has been busy once again toiling away at restoring our movie reels... and has just relased our *cough* 2009 video!! You can view it, and of course, his favorite Halfling movie from our video page (which we've recently updated to include a more robust library), or this convenient link:
We had a funny thing happen during Comic Con -- when some "anonymous supreme being" decided to make a sneak attack visit during the Block Party and hurt the Guardians of Arthicrex's feelings by being in a place where mushrooms shouldn't be spawning. In the resulting aftermath, we got all fired up like a fleet of pissed off china dolls.
Our current recruiting needs are: cleric, enchanter, magician, necromancer, and shaman... however, we are always looking for exceptionally talented candidates in any class! We raid from 7:30pm est to midnight, 6 days a week (no fridays), so if this fits in with your lifestyle and you are looking for a change, don't miss the opportunity to talk to Adetia, Ormus or Ironlung about our current roster openings. Please refer to our application boards for additional information.
The event of the hour: Today sees another server merge, which is a pretty notable event in EQ, which will see the combination of Luclin and Stromm. Fortunately, the powers that be circled back and kept the Luclin name, much to the joy of some of our long term Luclinites! We welcome our new neighbors from Stromm and look forward to meeting you all around the water cooler. As most of you know, the merge also brings free character moves, so for those of you looking for a new home, we're looking for you!
Our current recruiting needs are: cleric, druid, enchanter, magician, monk, necromancer, paladin, shaman, and warrior... however, we are always looking for exceptionally talented candidates in any class! We raid from 7:30pm est to midnight, 6 days a week (no fridays), so if this fits in with your lifestyle and you are looking for a change, don't miss the opportunity to talk to Adetia, Ormus or Ironlung about our current roster openings. Please refer to our application boards for additional information. There hasn't been a better time to make a move in quite a long time so don't miss it!
It's been awhile since I've posted an update, with everything else that's been going on, so here we go... Our last posted kill here on the site was Fippy and Unburrowing back in December, and rest assured, we've been busy since then! January saw the fall of The Beast, and Masked Invaders -- can I get a badger badger badger anyone? -- went down in March. Since then we've taken down Brath, Guardian of the Hive, and The Cliknar Queen! With my unexpected travels and everything else going on this Spring, my updating has fallen to a new all time low ;) Rest assured though, you'll still find us cracking away at it in game! This spring has seen several patches designed to fix, tweak, and tune the first few events in Underfoot, and some of these have gone much better then others for sure... however there are still many events with glaring exploits that have yet to be addressed, and it is our hope that these will be corrected soon.
This expansion has easily been one of the most borked up releases we've seen in years, in terms of chaos and overtuned encounters and the "spreadsheet" math model taking over encounters. We've seen some interesting events this spring as a result, with the famous suspension that almost was, and some parts of the Sony staff continuing to refuse to take any meaningful position on the flagrant happenings out there. One readily apparent "easy out" for them would simply to put clarifying comments in the patch notes regarding these abuses when events are altered, say, like: "Fixed Fungal Corruption to prohibit bypassing the first phase of the event". It assigns no direct blame, keeps Sony clean of any real position, states the facts, and lets people make up their own mind about what is going on out there... but alas, probably wishful thinking!
Now some may say, yeah yeah TR just wants things nerfed and made easier, because that's the line they love to haul out, but the reality is: the top 10 guilds will bang their head against whatever brick wall is thrown at us for however long it takes, but there's alot of folks out there that simply won't. Now I'm all for this second tier of raids and higher being harder, but the first round simply needed to be brought down a notch (or 10) to make some of this content accessible, so am I glad for alot of the changes that have been made there? Absolutely. It helps keep the game healthy. In this time of another server merge, guilds continuing to fall off the horse, players in alot of guilds serverwide retiring because they don't like where Sony is taking us, the signs are on the wall that something needed to be done, and the efforts made so far are a step in the right direction, but there are still several raids that are just simply a big hot mess.
On another note, I expect another update from TR soon!
Though she never officially carried the Township Rebellion tag, she was very much a part of our family. I miss you already.
Her suffering is all behind her,
her tears have been wiped away.
Her toils and struggles are over,
for she is home to stay.
note from adetia (Feb, 2017): sadly, the original screenshot that i used here has been lost in all of our site moves and i have no way to replace it. Lananya was my mother. All these years later, and I still miss her profoundly, as if it just happened yesterday. I have many fond memories of playing EQ with my mom and many in the guild, and how excited she used to get when we would beat raids, and how proud she used to be when she'd tell other EQ people I was the guild leader of TR.