written by Krink
Recruiting now open for Shaman, Rogue and Beastlord. Exceptional candidates may always apply. Apply Here
It has been awhile since the last update but here is a quick filler-inner on what has happened! T3 down! T4 down! Naggy down!
Wait was that too fast for you? If you blinked you probably missed what happened for us as we stomped through t3 content in 2 days, should have been one but we over estimated raid 1, then we eagerly awaited t4 content. With the launch of t4 we were bursting at the seams to see what Sony had in store for us!! Event 1 dropped quickly and event 2 causing a minor stumbling block(AKA we wiped once). But up came event 3 I won’t lie to you it was rough! I died exactly eleventy-seven times (that’s an official count!). After 12.5 min of scripting and 45 min of repeating what we had just done victory came! Victory you say? I didn’t hear victory I just heard another top 10 finish for us! I would like to thank everyone for their hard work and determination on this expansion. But we aren’t done yet for this update, we still have August to cover. Hardcore Heritage launched August 16 and helter skelter launched in TR. I need to get this aug, I need that aug, but wait there’s a raid! Lets go kill it! Naggy dropped first attempt (I'll pat myself on the back for the click squad). As Naggy lay dying we played camp all the cool stuff in Castle Mistmore gathering augs galore for our members! THANK YOU ADETIA. Ok ok, I know you're mad because you have to listen to me babble and I haven’t shown you any proof, so I'll shut up and here you go!!!!
Well, like most of the other guilds, we eagerly anticipated the latest EQ Expansion, Rain of Fear, and have been super busy with the whirlwind of new expansion activity. We have now officially cleared Tier 1 of EQ as well as burning down our first raid in Tier 2 (more on that later). Special shout out to everyone who participated in our Surprise Saturday Incentive program as well as Zaborus, Mako, Kinvaras, and Noteefs, who were our first to ding 100; as well as Krink for his assistance the last few days. There are many others who deserve my thanks and appreciation as well. While there are certainly several items that need Sony's immediate attention to correct, overall the launch has been fairly smooth and there are many features that we really appreciate. Most notably, the bumps of both real xp and AA xp on all the missions makes them a heck of a lot more enjoyable to complete! Without boring you with the gory details, and also because I am both sick and tired; as well as needing to get back to the grind, this short note will have to suffice, but I will leave you with a collage of pictures provided by our lucky treasure troll, Bidaum.
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My sincerest apologies for the website and server downtimes over the past 3 days. We lost several hard drives in our raid setup, these have been repaired and it's back to business as usual.
If you hear of anyone complaining about their bookmark for the TR site not working anymore, as of today, we disabled some old routing that was done during the site prep today. If an old book mark had nu-direction.com in it, folks just need to simply visit www.townshiprebellion.com and make a new bookmark.
There will be an upcoming outage for the website which will affect any items here off the main site, along with the forums. ROP display will not be impacted. Our site is being moved within the current site to offer us better security, etc. There is no action required on your part as a result of the maintenance, and the outage should take place Friday/Saturday of this week to lessen the impact upon the guild.ÂÂ